This Sale Is Packed!

36523 Marciel Ave Madera Ranchos 93636 Off Ave 12

Thursday Jan 30 8am-2pm

Friday Jan 31 8am-2pm

This sale We have so much to offer. 

Designer accent chairs by Paoli with gorgeous black leather and wood. 

Kitchen stocked with lightly used and new items. 

The best office desk I’ve seen in a long time. 

Full bedrooms sets with beds and all furniture. 

Garage houses way too much stuff to list and is super fun to shop. Stereos, speakers and fun stuff. 

Lots of sports cards. 80s-90s with a standout 1971 Roberto Clemente ungraded maybe a PSA 7-8. 

Michael Jordan baseball cards. 

Some possible rookies. 

Please come centered. Otherwise we will find the Devine peace within you…or we will sell you a Buddha to start you on your journey.